
Event Log
[2024-04-25 17:30] Added Ubuntu 24.04
[2024-04-24 20:15] Added Fedora 40
[2024-01-14 14:15] Replacing LXCFS with in-kernel virtualization, read more Česky / English
[2023-12-30 10:00] Deployed new vpsAdmin authentication system, read more on Discourse: Česky / English
[2023-12-10 15:15] All transfers are now complete, daily backups will continue as usual.
View all

Recently resolved maintenances

Date Duration Type Systems Impact Reason
2024-04-24 01:15 35 min maintenance Node node2.brq, Node node1.pgnd system_restart Upgrade to Linux 6.6.28

Cluster statistics

Members total VPS total IPv4 left
1533 2249 334
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node21.prg online 117 9.69 % 6.6.17 v2
node22.prg online 352 52.59 % 6.6.21 v1
node23.prg online 609 53.72 % 6.6.13 v1
node24.prg online 580 81.47 % 6.6.17 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node2.brq online 78 67.45 % 6.6.28 v1
node5.brq online 250 44.57 % 6.6.17 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node1.pgnd online 39 1.51 % 6.6.28 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
backuper2.prg online 0 0.00 % 6.6.21 v2
nasbox.prg online 0 1.11 % 6.1.53-230601 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node1.stg online 45 12.44 % 6.6.28 v2
Link Usage
Master: Praha

Master: Brno



Where to report bugs and suggestions?

Support vpsFree.cz

Support mail: podpora@vpsfree.cz



irc.libera.chat #vpsfree



Knowledge base
Česky: https://kb.vpsfree.cz/
English: https://kb.vpsfree.org/

Sysadmins contacts

Jakub Skokan
IRC: aither at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 775 386 453

Pavel Snajdr (main admin)
IRC: snajpa at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 720 107 791