
Event Log
[2024-04-24 20:15] Added Fedora 40
[2024-01-14 14:15] Replacing LXCFS with in-kernel virtualization, read more Česky / English
[2023-12-30 10:00] Deployed new vpsAdmin authentication system, read more on Discourse: Česky / English
[2023-12-10 15:15] All transfers are now complete, daily backups will continue as usual.
[2023-12-08 16:00] Performing full backups of all VPS to a new storage pool on backuper2.prg. We expect the transfers to finish during Sunday (10.12.). Until then, datasets will be locked longer than usual and daily backups may be delayed.
View all

Recently resolved maintenances

Date Duration Type Systems Impact Reason
2024-04-24 01:15 35 min maintenance Node node2.brq, Node node1.pgnd system_restart Upgrade to Linux 6.6.28

Cluster statistics

Members total VPS total IPv4 left
1532 2247 337
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node21.prg online 116 14.94 % 6.6.17 v2
node22.prg online 352 60.70 % 6.6.21 v1
node23.prg online 609 54.79 % 6.6.13 v1
node24.prg online 580 57.94 % 6.6.17 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node2.brq online 78 19.84 % 6.6.28 v1
node5.brq online 250 41.15 % 6.6.17 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node1.pgnd online 39 2.94 % 6.6.28 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
backuper2.prg online 0 0.00 % 6.6.21 v2
nasbox.prg online 0 14.77 % 6.1.53-230601 v1
Node Storage VPS CPU Kernel cgroups [?]
node1.stg online 45 13.84 % 6.6.28 v2
Link Usage
Master: Praha

Master: Brno



Where to report bugs and suggestions?

Support vpsFree.cz

Support mail: podpora@vpsfree.cz



irc.libera.chat #vpsfree



Knowledge base
Česky: https://kb.vpsfree.cz/
English: https://kb.vpsfree.org/

Sysadmins contacts

Jakub Skokan
IRC: aither at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 775 386 453

Pavel Snajdr (main admin)
IRC: snajpa at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 720 107 791