Outage #681


Begins at: 2020-09-03 16:22:00 CEST
Duration: 0 minutes
Type: outage
State: resolved
Impact: network
Affected systems: Location Brno
English: Secondary router down
Česky: Sekundarni router mrtev
English: Mikrotik classics (tm) - dead PSU, ordered a newer dual-PSU version. Traffic to NASbox will be throttled until the router is replaced (few days at max).
Česky: Klasika Mikrotiku, mrtvy zdroj - objednali jsme novejsi verzi s dvema zdroji. Traffic na NASbox z Brna musi byt omezen (do doby, nez router nahradime, par dni max).
Handled by: Pavel Šnajdr


Date Summary Reported by
2020-09-03 16:24:46 CEST Pavel Šnajdr
State: announced
2020-12-31 21:04:06 CET English: Replaced with new router
Česky: Nahrazeno novym routerem
Pavel Šnajdr
State: resolved

English: I'm sorry it took so long; first there were troubles with compatible SFP modules and it took a bit of figuring out, then I waited home to avoid getting COVID before my wife delivers :) All done now, so ticking this one off just before the end of the year ;)


Česky: Omlouvam se, ze to trvalo tak dlouho; nejdriv jsme meli problem se shanenim kompatibilnich SFP modulu a potom, kdyz uz bylo vyreseno, jsem zas cekal na to, az zena porodi, abychom nechytli COVID pred porodem :) Uz je vsechno hotovo, takze si muzem odskrtnout i tohle, tesne pred koncem roku ;)

Na zdravi!


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English: https://kb.vpsfree.org/

Sysadmins contacts

Jakub Skokan
IRC: aither at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 775 386 453

Pavel Snajdr (main admin)
IRC: snajpa at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 720 107 791