Outage #423


Begins at: 2018-01-06 01:00:00 CET
Duration: 60 minutes
Type: maintenance
State: resolved
Impact: system_restart
Affected systems: Node node10.prg
Node node11.prg
Node node12.prg
Node node13.prg
Node node1.brq
English: Intel CPU bug workaround
Česky: Aplikovani zaplaty pro chybu v Intel CPU
English: A severe bug has been found in Intel CPUs. Unfortunately Intel is all
we have now, so we have to apply a workaround as a kernel patch. Which,
for one, will slow down performance of our systems. And as of writing
this, the patch is not out for our kernel yet (or any nicely portable
version for this venerable kernel); but should be soon, at least from
Red Hat, if not OpenVZ team (in which case we'll change the announcements
accordingly to allow for more QA before deploying).

There's a lot of sources, for one of them all (and then Your Favorite
Search Engine should spit out tons of other resources if you search
for 'Intel PTI bug') ->

Česky: Byla nalezena vazna chyba v Intelich procesorech. Bohuzel jedeme jenom
na Intelu, takze budeme muset aplikovat patch do jadra, ktery nam
pravdepodobne o neco uzere z CPU vykonu. Jak to pisu, tak patch pro nase
jadro jeste neni; pokud neprijde od OpenVZ, naportujeme patch od Red Hatu,
jakmile bude venku. V takovem pripade upravime plan rebootu, abychom meli
vic casu to otestovat.

Odkazu, o co jde, je hodne, kdyztak hodte 'Intel PTI bug' do Sveho
Oblibeneho Vyhledavace (tm), vyplivne toho hromadu ->

Handled by: Pavel Šnajdr, Jakub Skokan, Richard Marko


Date Summary Reported by
2018-01-03 20:02:51 CET Jakub Skokan
State: announced
2018-01-04 21:11:05 CET English: Postponed by a day, patch not yet available
Česky: Odlozeno o den, patch zatim neni k dispozici
Jakub Skokan
Begins at: 2018-01-06 01:00 CET
2018-01-06 02:26:11 CET English: ok
Česky: ok
Pavel Šnajdr
State: resolved


Where to report bugs and suggestions?

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Knowledge base
Česky: https://kb.vpsfree.cz/
English: https://kb.vpsfree.org/

Sysadmins contacts

Jakub Skokan
IRC: aither at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 775 386 453

Pavel Snajdr (main admin)
IRC: snajpa at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 720 107 791