Outage #487


Begins at: 2019-02-10 01:00:00 CET
Duration: 60 minutes
Type: maintenance
State: resolved
Impact: system_restart
Affected systems: Node node5.prg
Node node6.prg
English: Install 10GE Network Card
Česky: Instalace 10Gbit sitove karty
English: & update kernel+zfs
Česky: & update jadra+zfs
Handled by: Pavel Šnajdr


Date Summary Reported by
2019-01-04 22:43:27 CET Pavel Šnajdr
State: announced
2019-02-07 23:02:09 CET English: Second attempt: 10G NIC installation
Česky: Druhy pokus: instalace 10G sitovek
Pavel Šnajdr
Begins at: 2019-01-10 01:00 CET
Finished at: 2019-01-10 02:00 CET

English: We didn't anticipate the need for uLP form factor for node5/6, which has now finally arrived -> thus we're going to install it.

Česky: Necekali jsme potrebu uLP formatu sitovek pro node5/6; ty ted konecne dorazily a muzeme instalovat.
2019-02-07 23:02:36 CET English: Second attempt: 10G NIC installation
Česky: Druhy pokus: instalace 10G sitovek
Pavel Šnajdr
Begins at: 2019-02-10 01:00 CET
Finished at: 2019-02-10 02:00 CET

English: We didn't anticipate the need for uLP form factor for node5/6, which has now finally arrived -> thus we're going to install it.

Česky: Necekali jsme potrebu uLP formatu sitovek pro node5/6; ty ted konecne dorazily a muzeme instalovat.
2019-02-10 12:03:43 CET Richard Marko
State: resolved


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Česky: https://kb.vpsfree.cz/
English: https://kb.vpsfree.org/

Sysadmins contacts

Jakub Skokan
IRC: aither at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 775 386 453

Pavel Snajdr (main admin)
IRC: snajpa at #vpsfree
Phone: +420 720 107 791